In order to treat diabetes you must first learn why you have it and what caused it. When you eat certain foods the residues are either acid or alkaline. The colon is responsible for eliminating any excess acids. When the colon malfunctions by constipation,parasites, etc excess acids get stored in the body in the form of fat. Eating acid forming foods such as meat, milk, breads, sugars, artificial sweeteners etc also create the problem. The body also takes on water and creates cholesterol to protect the body from excess acids. All people are different and those that have a tendency to get diabetes will get it from the excess acids, while others will get cancer,heart disease,arthritis or other disease some just get diabetes. Now since you are aware of the cause you can effectively address the cure and that would be to eliminate the acids, and regain good colon health. Acid elimination can begin with alkaline foods such as greens,veggies, etc. Many diabetics are under the mistaken assumption artificial sweeteners are good them them, and that is very very wrong. Bentonite clay will also draw acids from the body.