Re: Eve, the Ruach Hakodesh, and free will
thanks for reply.
I am hinting at a spirit but different changed spirit only when sensed from variant tenses (toleration,pain) and the things that men prefer in making this into a values just believed beneficial and food for the mind but not for the heart. So here it means we have one spirit but can be changed to force us to do things in which the original spirit is not there to sustain God energy and will to things of life. This energy/holy spirit and will in each of us has been changed with things we have artificially seen and forced to understand and believe with a spirit of others who come before us; that is not the same of holy benefit to all, so it has suppression in it that of not God's but of that separation from the third entity doing it with things made out of sins, doing it with that spirit/tense-energy leading to problems /reaction/solution.
in other way, more example, a third person interferes with the other as if he is the self of the other materially (temptation) but not spiritialy, for he is not the same self as you. He is not God but some one who pretends to be the same for the game. and your spirit changes into his for more games until you know of the wrong to which you have run and now you know. This spirit of God have run into something else forced to love and that spirit is not the same - this spirit we give to others. Mother to child, ego to self, ego to spirit, nature to spirit and ego to conscious - all this passed with power of the symbols, rites, traditions, rules, laws to the self without respecting the energy of life in it with which God works. you see the energy, your energy is not taking care of the real self how can then you take care of other without making the sin work for you when it comes to give service or think focus for other?
When it come for work to make money one think he is doing it for himself (for his money not for the work) not for others and show that he is good to other but when he is off he like to
be with the dear one - can he change his spirit to real one which please God or really his heart. God is not everywhere the same for him, his willing to love is not that Love. it changes colors at his will, is that so? Satan spirit is not to be known by us right, one love more not God and his work??? Now it is gone to far and it is very clear, right.
How can I be free from harm as a self created by God? Can knowing our evil doing coming from those who control save us by them change into helping us? Can one know the innocence of his own creation and be respected to move freely and live unharmed?
again thank you.