Eve, the Ruach Hakodesh, and free will
Well, shai-tan (the deciever and betrayer) targeted Eve, not Adam. Eve as a woman had the emotional side of the relationship, and it was easier to bypass her logic circuits. Shai-tan targeted her love of God (wouldn't you like to know the difference between Good and Evil like your creator? If you eat it, you'll be like Him!) and did the deception slowly. A woman has both a weak and a strong side in relation to her husband, and the two are made to function together in loving harmony. It is just about as wonderful to have a marriage blessed and supported by a relationship with God as it is difficult and strange to have one without that support and spiritual renewal.
The love and closeness between a man and a woman is one of the central themes in the restoration story that is a person accepting Jesus, 'Yahoshua', as the gateway into spiritual life. We are described as expectant brides awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom, warned to be awake at the midnight hour, and to seek oil for our lamps so we can answer the door when He calls. A very central, but often ignored part of the bible is the Ruach Hakodesh, the spirit set apart, the Holy Spirit. It is the renewed connection with God the creator, the direct gift of life promised by Jesus. It's the step needed to change a life of philosiphizing the scripture into living it.
There is a trap between recieving the Good News that many people fall into, and unfortunately it's something we all must overcome- there's head-knowledge of the scripture and the attempt to accept and follow Jesus by our own strength, andthere is a heart-knowledge. The heart recognizes Jesus' voice and spirit and follows it, the head stores what we've learned from the scripture and from others, and tries to logic out what we are supposed to do. Both are necessary, but they have to work in tandem to /act/ upon the Word, and to drink what is in the scripture called 'Living water'. Jesus said 'my yoke is light'. If a person is trying to Live The Life on his own power, it's like an ox pulling a plow with no direction, and that's not God. He cuts burdens free, and that's the call to the cross. Jesus is Risen, not dead, and all those spiritual, physical and emotional burdens and strongholds can be severed- all one has to do is ask, and when the answers come, you'll know.
If you need discernment, ask, and you'll get it. If you need wisdom, ask, and you'll get it. If you need healing, ask, and walk with your creator. Illness is a chance to come alive, and as opposed to how the World teaches us to be afraid of it, the first place you are invited to go is prayer. God heals, doctors cover the symptoms. God shows the root of the problems, doctors handle what happens at the moment. God sees what's going on through the whole body and spirit, doctors try and look from the outside towards the inside, and miss a lot of subtle things.
But why would God put adam and eve on the earth without giving them a simple source of choice..? Free will is central to his design. He respects our choices, and the whole point of creation is... 'To restore all things to Him and to reveal to men and angels the ... manifold facets of his wisdom.' That's very paraphrased, but I believe it's in one of Paul's letters. It is a choice right central to our being, and the very act of 'being' is very much about figuring out the big riddle- who are we? Why are we here?
Hubby really likes 'The hitchiker's guide to the galaxy'. One of the jokes in there is that the philosophers of a certain planet built a big machine to calculate the answer to 'life, the universe and everything'. The answer they got after several millenia of waiting was 'fourty two'! Fourty two is basically 6x7. Six, as you might recall, is one of the numbers of the beast in the book of the bible, 'The revealing of Jesus', or revelations. It's a number of earthly completeness, of something built of flesh, but a completeness, a divinity, is usually identified with seven in the bible. There's seven churches addressed in John's writing in Revelations- seven trumpets, seven seals, seven thunders. It's a book meant to be understood in prophetic language, and directly related to imagery and symbolisim used in the old testament and other prophetic books. For example- the woman who sits on many waters? The sea and waters are allusions to people. Nations, the whole of humanity, etc, are often described as seas- think, for example, of Jesus saying to some of his friends on the sea of Galilee after revealing himself to them through a miracle catch of fish after a whole night of fishing.. 'follow me, and I'll make you fishers of men!'
Fourty two is sort of a humorous allusion to completeness. Man is considered the crowning glory of physical creation. we were given dominion over everything on the earth, and walked in full relationship and spiritual completeness with God in the original creation state, but the first act of rebellion, of sin, introduced the reality of death.
Choosing to reconnect to the creator is like plugging a lamp back into an electrical socket. Hopefully, what you get out of it, is a bright idea. <3
'God's not dead!' (He is surely alive! And He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion!)
Newsboys, praise rock