still problems after 8 months
Hi Everyone,
I posted here sometime this summer but sorry I don’t have exact dates. Severe
Iodine deficiency found out by allopathic testing. Began
Iodine in april and quickly worked up to 50mg even though detox was Horrible….i was dying from no
Iodine for so long…so I didn’t have a choice. Salt was making me not be able to breathe so I had to stop salt for a couple months. Then went back to salt and no breathing trouble this time so I feel confident the trouble before was from being toxic with bromide (inhaler use for years). The salt now gives me diarrhea though. Even only ¼ tsp in water gives me it. Salt food a lot is fine. Any amount in water for salt pushes does not make for copious urination for me…only diarrhea for around 2 months now. Kept on cause detox is so bad still.
Lots of improvement though. Stayed on 62 mg lugals all this time. . Will make a post of improvements in another post soon. But still feel bad. For the past 3 weeks I increased iodine to 62mg lugals plus 120mg
SSKI for a total of 182mg daily. With 300-400mcg selenium, 560mg magnesium, 2atp cofactors, vitamin d, and about 4000-6000mg vitamin c (had to up the c awhile ago to help detox bromide and higher levels of C really helped but is hard to afford the cost of all of this when havent’ worked in 4 yrs. Salt pushes daily.
SSKI topically on face is helping the bromide acne. Temps are still only in the low to mid 96’s (they were 94’s). But sometimes I “feel” super hot and sweaty yet temp is still 96’s. one minute hot then cold again. Still waking up with heart palps, anxiety, sleep problems. Eyes are still dry. Still some breathing issues even though better. some truly awful joint pain that is starting to scare me it is so bad (wrists, elbows, ankles). In the past 4 yrs I had frozen shoulder twice. Now it recently feels like it is coming on again in both shoulders at the same time:(:( Still a lot of fatigue esp in mornings and afternoons. Even though eating only 2 small meals daily and gluten free, careful of soy etc, am now 15 lbs overweight ….almost all in stomach area….look and feel pregnant and get bad bloating on top of that. Tried betaine hcl and it gave me really bad heartburn. Note: when I began iodine I was 10 underweight so have gained a total of 25 lbs…probably from holding onto toxins as some do (read that in yahoo I group).
Have just started coconut oil daily – 4 tsp, chia seeds daily, and my iodine protocol sticking with the 182mg. taking liver herbs and maca. Have mostly clean meats and veggies, a little fruit, and very little gluten free foods (like maybe once every two weeks I will have GF bread or pasta). Should I increase iodine?? how much selenium with how much iodine?? it’s been 8 months of iodine and I’m still struggling so badly. Take detox baths of
Epsom Salts and/or borax. Have not taken borax internally cause I am not sure if it will make me feel worse which I just cant’ handle now.
I try to keep reminding myself that for some of us who were really toxic and iodine deficient, that more time is needed. But gosh. Really need some support and suggestions please.
Thanks, ds2