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Re: Based on my circumstances, how long should it take until I'm cured?
mollygibson Views: 3,839
Published: 13 y
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Re: Based on my circumstances, how long should it take until I'm cured?

Oh I hate that you are having to go through this so young! But the good news is if you catch it early, you won't have to suffer from it as long as the rest of us. I think I started having problems with candida at 15, maybe younger - but my parents did nothing thinking it was all in my head, and when I went to college at 16, I was diagnosed with depression. So you are very blessed to have parents who are supporting you and believing you!
It may take months, even a year or longer to get completely well. But maybe not considering how young you are. Make sure you get lots of probiotics (kefir, fermented veggies, I use something called Primal Defense - but the bottom line is good probiotics) and stick to that diet.
You are a trooper. That is a good thing because you almost have to have heroic self-discipline to overcome this disease - which I am confident you will! Hang in there - it will get better.
Oh and to deal with the die-off, sweat as much as you can through hot baths with epsom salt, drink lots of water, do as much fun stuff as you can...You will make it!


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