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Re: 146 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health
ring5100 Views: 1,313
Published: 13 y
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Re: 146 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health

I agree and can testify to that. My early addiction to sugar, resulted in my becoming hypoglycemic at age 27 and the symptoms were severe.

Athering to the basic hypogly. diet, I did ok, but often cheated now and than with no symptoms, but than over time, I'd have a big crash, low blood Sugar attacks, with eating the sugary food, which would raise my blood sugar, only to drop quickly and have a low blood Sugar attack. Thiswent on for year, and eventually along with stress, caused first adrenal fatigue stage, than second stage and third.

If I could give any advise to anyone, it would be to just plain obstain from Sugar period. It is poison, as with white flour.

Now, if one is healthy, I can see eating a "Little" cake or something at a celebration on occassion. But, to often for many of us, it leads to more and more and can cause candida, hypoglycemia and diabetes.

My husband and I eat only fresh berries and apples for dessert, as he is diabetic. I do have a favoirte cheesecake reciept I used a few times a year, that is sugar free and satisfies that wanting a dessert, I use Stevia in it and an almond crust, with fresh berries on top.



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