Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection
I'm sorry, not basal,..just mid day.
I found something very interesting today,....I tested at 96.3 just an hour after rising,...on an empty stomach. My blood
Sugar felt low,...but when I tested, I was 123. This was very high for a fasting bs for me a newer diabetic. I had a coffee enema, and my temp went up to 97.9,....and my blood
Sugar dropped to 72. This is all very strange to me. The
parasites are down to very mature
Tapeworm heads, occasional large, orange fluke, some candida, and loads of what I am calling 'liver debris'! It (appears), that the more worms (parasites) I remove,...the more my temperature is returning up to 'normal'. I am going to believe this!
Thanks a lot!