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Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection
Margot2 Views: 9,645
Published: 13 y
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Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection

Steh, thanks so much for this great post.

I used to post here at Curezone about 4 or 5 years ago. I left because I realized that I had a thyroid problem and started to theorize that that was the route cause of my Candida. About 3 years ago I started taking Armour (NDT) and my Candida almost completely vanished. It was like a light went on. I had already wasted thousands of dollars trying to tame this Candida dragon but I didn't care. I was just so happy to have found an answer to my problem.

I actually wrote an article for the Stop the Thyroid Madness website. You can find it here if you are interested:

The reason I happened upon your post today is that I just started taking HC. For years my hypothyroidism was 80% better, and the candida was 90% better - but I wasn't perfect. So I found a new dr and he thinks I have an adrenal issue. I have thought I might for years and was even trying the Circadian method. But I just couldn't quite get it to work. So I am now on HC and lowered my NDT dose. And of course now I have a return of some of my old Candida symptoms. It is a real bummer but I just hope if I can get me adrenals working than I can eventually be 100% better. It's hard for me to figure out a good protocol. Hopefully taking the HC is OK...

Anyway thanks a lot for this great post.

Mary G in Philly AKA Margo2


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