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Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection
Blistering Fate Views: 10,315
Published: 13 y
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Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection

Hey I used to read your posts in my desperate researchs, Steh!

Yes definetely, happily me and my buddy Steve (its a guy of another forum) realised relatively easily that candida its kind of BS sometimes, because if the case scenario its that you are hypothyroid and adrenally fatigued, candida its an opportunistic infection and it will never go away until you have corrected those two.

I have all those symptoms and tons of testing proving my autoiummune thyroid and very low adrenal hormones.

The worst thing its the case of people that developed candida from hormonal insufficiencies which in turn were acquired by lets say Heavy Metals or PTSD and they go into an extreme no carb diet or other anticandida diet for months. That can be devastating.


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