Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection
You are very correct and i hope that some of my old posts were somewhat helpfull! Even if it just ment you did not make a same mistake as me somewhere down the line.
I battled candida for 2-3 years getting nowhere and spending tons of money, and it was ONLY once i did something about my thyroid/adrenals/iron did i see my first bit of improvement.
I am still a long way off as things are not simple, i am taking adrenal meds still and i believe i will not "cure" my candida while i am still on these as they lower the immune system too much, but the improvement before i was on these is immense. I am working towards getting off adrenal support and getting my thyroid levels stable.
Also to touch on a point that you made, if you do show some improvement or start to clear candida unless you correct the cause or contributing factor it will just return. So for instance people with low thyroid also have LOW HCL levels, and HCL is used not only to absorb all the nutrients needed from food but also to kill off the bugs in the insetinal tract, so if you manage to make some progress with candida but then your thyroid remains low it would just be a matter of time before things return.
You touched on heavy metals also so ill elabortate on this too..... Heavy metals play a role on the conversion of T4>T3 again, BUT chelating heavy metals is also very hard on the adrenals, so its getting rid of the heavy metals whilst making sure not to put your adrenals in a further weakended state that must be done!