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Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection

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candisufferer Views: 10,379
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Re: Candida, Thyroid, and Adrenal connection

Thank you for your post, Steve

Wish someone would have pointed this all out to me a year ago before I threw my body into a worse state of illness trying to treat candida as a stand alone. The restricted diets only added stress to already overly stress adrenal/thyroids.

This is right on point to where my research on my own condition has led me: candida is a symptom of ADRENAL FATIGUE/HYPOTHYROID and ANEMIA.

Have been trying Iodine supplementation which is necessary nutrient to proper thyroid function. Had issues with Iodine withOUT using CZ's Iodine support protocol's required co-factor supplements as well. Got nasty reactions but, when using the co-factors haven't had an issue: gradually building up iodine intake daily. From my understanding, it's important to gradually increase iodine since it can cause gnarly die off. I hope to proceed with medical testing and rx's to help beyond alternative methods. Glad to hear you have had some improvement using rx's.

From my limited understanding, ferritin and iron are important to resolving anemia, beyond iron supplementation alone (forget where I read it but, there is a connection between low ferritin and candida). Ferro-sequels is a time released high potency iron supplement which has given me very little trouble: the time released reduces stomach upset and have little effect on Bm's in my case. It has 50mg (278% dv) or iron as ferrous fumarate.

I wish there was FAR MORE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT these topics when discussing candida treatment since they seem to be prevalent: particularly if there are histamine/allergic responses along with candida. This seems to be caused by the immune response to mycotoxins and not genuine allergies but, allergic responses. If that makes sense.

Mostly when someone says they have allergic responses and I question their body temps, they report back low body temps. There has to be a reason why but, they tend to be connected every time so far.




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