Re: More Candida in the Small intestine or Colon-----
I am almost convinced the overgrowth is in the colon.
The body has mechanisms to keep the small bowel almost sterile.
I bombarded my small bowel with an enormous amount of powerful Rx antifungals plus naturals, and my symptoms didn't go away.
However, since doing the enemas, they began to subside and disappear. One great thing about the enemas is you can see the monster coming out. You can inspect the toilet and see it.
Remi96 was almost 10 years in this forum looking for answers. She targeted the colon with the enemas and recovered. She did only
water enemas that make a lot of sense since candida colonies are on the mucus that cover the intestinal walls. Candida colonies don't have the way to attach to anything but to stick to the mucus layer.
One time you have emptied the colon doing several enema rounds with water, you have an empty pipe, so the water runs freely.
That part of the enemas is the most important. Michelle (Remi96) always pointed how she saw a huge amount of colonies when the water came clear. ( last two rounds )
I think mucus get softened by the water. The water flow going out take with it the colonies. It is like a tsunami for candida inside the colon.
It takes time, I have been doing it for around 4 or 5 months very frequently (every other day or diary) I do it at night, spending almost 1 hour.
Fungal colonies and toxins are going out and I am feeling better and better progressively. I am totally symptom free and still can see colonies coming out. The same thing was described by Remi96. Now, you can image the amount we can have inside. I have taken more than 45 pictures.
About the bacterial flora, I have no concern since what I feel is get better and better. It means that what was inside of my colon was what had me sick.
It must be out. I feel normal again in the same way I was before this nightmare. I blamed myself of no hearing Remi96 before. The same think probably will happen with many who don't want to hear now. They probably be mention it in the future.
That is my experience.