How long should it take to start noticing any relief from water retention, fatigue, weight gain, etc.....? I started taking 25mgof Iodoral on Doc's orders after taking a urine loading test. It said I took over 50% of the iodine in the 24 hr. period. He diagnosed me with "Hashimoto's 'like' disease".I have been taking this amount of Iodoral for 6 weeks now. NO, I mean NO difference in any symptoms. SOOOOOOO aggrivating! I have gained 10lbs over the past year even with strenuous exercise, (I run or walk 5 to 7 miles daily, walking I wear a 25lb weight vest) daily I also wear a sauna suit while working out to promote sweating, as I can't seem to produce a sweat. I also lift weights 5 days a week. Am I expecting to see relief or help too soon? Does Iodine supplimentation take forever(:o)? I'm so frustrated, HELP with some information PLEASE!!!!!!!!