Re: Follow my 60 day fast online
Hello Anne,
thank you for your reply and your explanation, although I wasn't looking for any justification of your goals and methods of achieving those goals, or wishing to pronounce a "judgement" on how you will achieve them; that is unless there were to be any issues of safety or unintentional harm that may have ensued as a result.
My concern in this forum is with anyone inadvertently causing any harm to themselves and their overall safety and welfare.
I agree with your goals and how you intend to achieve them, just be careful as to how break your fast though and with what and the amount (not too much).
Given time, and the use of an unadulterated/unprocessed diet, interspersed with fasting, this should reset your taste buds and how you think and feel about food generally.
In my own experience, and that of many others, a combination of fasting and the above diet, transformed my "taste" for food and living: the mere thought of eating cooked meat for example, or that tasty cream bun and that nicely toasted white bread, made me feel quite sick and repugnant towards any foods of that kind.
You should experience the same given sufficient time.
To your successful fasting endeavours