Hello #134633,
my post to you on your goal of a 60 day fast, and the account of day 7 on your blog, gave me real cause for concern. I admit I was a little harsh in my reply, but this was designed to hit my message home, so you would hopefully take note as to my concerns for your health and welfare.
I understand your aspirations now, as to aim higher you will most likely achieve more than you would have otherwise, if your goals were lower: 30 to 40 days is more realistic and achievable because of this.
No I didn't think that you were documenting your fasting journey to be labelled as irresponsible, but I think your account of day 7 was not the wisest choice of conduct, as there are inherent dangers in over exertion and dealing with heat as your account portrays.
I wouldn't agree though that we are all different, in that we all have to succumb to the same physiological laws and effects of a fast, and how this will affect the outcome both during the fast itself, and post fast. Fasting is of course a physiological rest, so if we engage in things that are contrary to this biological process, we may do more harm than good and hence my original post.
It is also true that people have survived unintentional and forced fasts of up to 90 days, and for one reason or another, but this was not by design, and certainly not to be recommended, as any qualified fasting supervisors would tell us. Voluntary protracted fasts would be of much shorter lengths, as there are issues of safety to be taken into account; an electrolyte deficiency being just one, and any sudden change in the vital signs being another. Fasting is an extremely safe process, but if carried too far, can result in harm unless we know exactly what we are doing, and have researched the subject thoroughly.
It is also true that many people have posted here once or twice concerning their aims/goals in fasting, and given up, but this I feel is through lack of discipline/willpower/motivation rather than anything else, including being irresponsible.
I am glad that you will be showing the highs and lows of your fast, as this will illustrate and motivate others into achieving the same: if she can do it as it were, then so can I.
Personal testimonies are invaluable, as will your own, but I hope that the future conduct of your fast will conform to the tried and tested conduct of a fast from those who have gone before us, in conducting it as safely as possible.
To your successful fasting journey.