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Re: update/feeling awful , confusion
"Prescription potassium 2 to 3 a day"
Still taking these? If you do I suggest they may be a problem; have seen it over and over again in hospitals, they dont work, they cause an electrolyte inbalance. Some of them cause a magnesium inbalance, like cramping. If you still take them, give me the name and I can check it out for you.
I cant tell you to take salt or not; but can tell that I would definitely do, as I crave salt, need salt etc. This need to be balanced with water of course as you seem to do with your teas (I eat loads of veggies / fruits daily, get my potassium right). Follow your own gut feeling in this, we have different views on salt at the forum. I take salt to avoid fluid retention on long flights.
Vitamin C; I recommend at least 3-4 grams daily. Make sure your rosehips contain 1 gram of vit c / ascorbic acid.
Boron; 6-9 mg IMO
Magnesium; 4-800 mg as citrate / malate It took me 2-3 years to utilize a dosage like this.
I would like Trapper recommend,have a go for more iodine, as soon as the companions are in.