Re: Need help interpreting iodine tests from Hakala Research Labs.
You pretty much got it.
and JT explained it pretty well.
if you are not supplementing
Iodine and your excretion is coming out high, it means you are not getting it into the cells. your symporter (NIS) can be damaged ...which is called a symporter defect--it is the molecule that gets the
Iodine transported into the cell. Vitamin C in 3-10g/day dosages can be helpful in fixing this. Try, higher doses at some point and see if this helps. often I will do 3g's 1-3x/day.
I will mix it with 1/4tsp of salt and 1/4 tsp of potassium chloride.
the other issue that can be caused by the
Iodine not being bound to a protein....which is called organification. As JT mentioned, using B2/3 in the right amounts will fix this problem.
I am very glad to see you are following Cutler's protocol....which means I can assume you have your fillings all out?????
I am just a couple of years ahead of you. It can be a long road and hopefully it will be easier for you than me.
keep posting and keep asking questions, this forum has been so helpful for me to have hope and stay on course.
specific organ cleanses and
parasite cleanses can be very useful.
it is late here or I would write more.
Yes, this will make you feel like utter crap.
but it is worth staying with it!