@Cougar Thanks for the clarification. I understand better and I'm going to google some of those terms you mentioned.
Yes I had my fillings out 15 years ago. I felt no different afterwards. I didn't know at the time that you had to detox the mercury. Then nothing ever showed up on tests but I know now that often mercury doesn't. So it's been a long road to get where I am. Seems all my problems are leading back to mercury and Iodine issue plus candida. I always felt I had mercury problems just cause of the symptoms but any treatment I tried I didn't feel better. So maybe I wasn't taking the right things or enough of it? So now I'm trying Cutler's protocol.
I am also looking into other cleanses too.
Thanks for letting me know all this can make you feel like crap (well I know mercury can but wasn't sure about the bromide/fluoride problem). It gives me hope I may be on my way to feeling well again. I just started Iodoral today so I will cross my fingers.