13 y
Re: Need help interpreting iodine tests from Hakala Research Labs.
Hi there,
Thank you for your reply. I recently emailed Hakala Research labs to help with interpretation and I got this message from Abbey who is the co-owner.
Iodine shows the amount of
Iodine in your diet.
The 92%
Iodine excretion is probably an overestimation due to high bromide and fluoride levels. Both will block the absorption of iodine into the cell thereby causing increased excretion.
Bromide blood levels are generally double urinary levels, would be nice to see that number closer to zero on both the spot and 24hr collection.
I would suspect that fluoride will come down when you stop using fluoridated water, keep in mind that 90%+ of fluoride is trapped in the bones so detox is a slow process.
Iodine will speed the excretion of both bromide and iodine.
A good program for supplementation, developed by Dr. Abraham, can be found on our website
under the orthoiodosupplementation program."
@Just thinking
I still kinda find the results confusing. It's like the Iodine is in my body but it's not getting to the cells due to the bromide and fluoride I guess. And I find it funny I have just over normal amounts of iodine in the spot test cause I think it comes from all the salt I add to my food cause I have such bad salt cravings.
I'm already taking the Vit C and some supplements on their own so will have to compare what I'm taking and what's Optimox. Thanks for the suggestion.
Would having these kinds of results make someone feel like crap? I describe my illness briefly above.
Would appreciate any more comments by anyone.