The reason that the undesirable halogens are present in bread and water is because of the perverted union of industry with science. Science-pimps for hire.
BTW, here's the MSDS for potassium bromate:
The use of potassium bromate goes back further than we think. One oft-cited fact on this forum is that potassium bromide replaced potassium iodide as a dough conditioner around 1980 or so. Well, the fact is that the FDA mandated that potassium iodide be used around 1960 or so- no doubt that was in response to radioactive iodine-131 released by atmospheric testing in the 1950s...High levels of radioactive iodine were found in milk, in soil, and in people's thyroid glands. The thyroid does not distinguish between forms of iodine, so a thyroid replete in iodine will not take up radioactive iodine. That's one reason free KI pills are distributed around nuclear power plants...
So, IMO, the move to iodate bread and other baked goods was not out of concern for the populaces health, it was a move to avoid responsibilty for obvious manifestations of the toxic effects of radioactive iodine 131. Why this mandate was reversed, I dunno, I have not been able to find anything referencing that potassium iodate be USED or that that pracitice be stopped.
Which brings us to the question- prior to the iodization of bread in the sixties, what was used as a dough conditioner? Most likely, potassium bromate. And who do we have to that for that? The Mellon institute. Those familiar with fluoride history will note that the Mellon Institute was one of the driving forces providing "research" that fluoride was the substance that protected teeth from decay. The fact is that industrial corporations funded the Mellon Institute's research, industrial corporations that needed protection from lawsuits by poisoned workers, corporations that needed a way to recycle toxic waste(fluoride, through YOU).
From "the Fluoride Deception", by Christopher Bryson, p 37:
"...The corporate strategy was clear: get dominion over basic science, wrestle control of health information from labor groups, and in turn, reinvest that medical expertise in the hands of industry-appointed specialists."
The industry appointed specialists? The Mellon institute.
Which brings us back to potassium bromide in bread. Had it's roots in the quest for the perfect commercial loaf...
(From the Department of Public Health, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven.)
(Received for publication, November 14, 1917.)
"One of the most recent important advances in the practical
art, of breadmaking has been the introduction into the dough of a
mixture of mineral nut,rients known as Arkady Yeast Food.1
This material, which was devised in the laboratories of the Mellon
Institute of Pitt.sburg, includes salts of calcium and ammonium
and a minute amount (1 part in 200,000) of potassium bromate.
The functions of calcium and ammonium as yeast foods are
fairly well understood; but the reasons for the favorable action
of the bron1at.e remained somewhat obscure. It seemed possible
t,hnt this salt might exert, a specific stimulating action upon the
proteolytic enzymes active in the fermentation. It had been
shown by Chittenden and his associates that bromides in certain
diluCions had a marked accelerat,ing effect on the action of ptyalin,
pepsin, and 1Vohlgemuth3 noted the same effect
on ptyalin and pancreatin. >,Iore recently Thomas4 reports a
strongly stimulating influence of bromides upon amylase; and
Robertson5 in an exhaustive study of the action of trypsin on
casein notes a stimulat,ing action of potassium bromide..."
From "The Baker's Review, 1916"
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