Re: 100mg minimum, I'm with Trapper - Day 3
Paraboy, I can attest to the expectorant effect of high doses of
SSKI . As I mentioned above, I've been using/experimenting with
Iodine (nascent,
Lugol's 5% and 2%, and iodoral tablets) No matter the dose I took (and sometimes I got way up there, well over 100mg when I was taking iodoral only) there was never the expectorant effect whhich is good for bad lungs. However, when I switched to
SSKI (made w/ Trapper's recipe and potassium
Iodide from and upped my dose to around 1 g. I did notice the expectorant effect. I do have asthma (I guess... Drs have never formally tested for it but I have been given the diagnosis once and thus have been prescribed meds for it which I've used when I know I'm having issues but I'm not a fan of Drs. in general so I don't put a lot of stok in their diagnoses nor the meds for them... but that's a whole different can of worms entirely) and the effect from the
SSKI was a lot like what I would get from using my albuterol "rescue" inhaler, for instance clearing my throat, and coughing up junk. The higher the dose of SSKI, the better the effect/result.
So maybe the SSKI would work for your mom better than the iodine/iodide combos.
Also, I waited a long time (a few weeks) for results at a low dose of the iodine/iodide combos when I was solely using them. I didn't notice much. I knew then and still know that I am infected with something by my various symptoms. That's not to say that I didn't notice any effects, I did in a general "wow, I feel better" kind of way nothing very profound and nothing that lasted longer than a few hours. I only noticed longer lasting effects after upping the dose.
I can barely keep straight all the information I've been picking up from this site and a few others. But I know I read somewhere last night (might have been from a similar thread I remember seeing that you posted about the effects it had on our mom) that the reaction your mom experienced could be a die off reaction of some sort of something in her system. From my experience (and it's been a lot over the past few months) the worst reaction happens first. And the longer you stick with it the faster the reaction stops. I learned the hard way by going waaaay too slow as well as stopping when I didn't want to deal with the detox effects. I guess I'm thick headed because I did this a few times before settling on my new approach of "get the hell out of me you little buggers because I will not stop this time till you're gone". It's been 5 days or so and so far it's the better approach. I feel way better internally, externally there's still a rash but it's no worse than any I experienced before. In fact, it isn't nearly as itch or "hot" as the others were. It also seems to be disappearing faster. So I'm thinking this is the best route for me... fingers crossed that there's no extra crazy reactions waiting in the wings. :)