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Low carbing pickled my liver and let candida go nuts.
Anthony87 Views: 5,762
Published: 12 y

Low carbing pickled my liver and let candida go nuts.

Just a warning, the "candida diet" is dangerous, just like atkins. My lab results were the same as the guy from Supersize Me after his 21 days of mcdonalds. Eliminating fruit and cutting carbs religiously goeas against any idea of health. I say this over and over again because every day there is someone on here promoting this erroneous belief that for this disorder, chicken breast is better than grapefruit. It is perpetuated by sick people, still holding out hope for their pipe dream cure, and ignorant nutritionists that have never had to experience the symptoms....and then the people selling supplements.

A screwed up liver will definitely cause poor digestion...allowing candida to pick up the slack and thrive. So it's the ultimate catch 22. I got candida after eating protein shakes for a couple years and being obsessed with eating chicken for building. Several users posted that they did the same thing. It's a shame that malabsorbing sugars gives the strongest symptom of candida..but the root cause is protein.

I get people on here that insist they aren't overeating protein while carb cutting and eating lots of veggies. It just doesn't add up. There aren't enough calories in broccoli, spinach, or asparagus to keep anyone going. So overeating protein would be the only way to get enough calories...because healthy carbs are eliminated.

Carb cutting and thinking of fruit as unhealthy will get you the same results as the challenge of eating mcdonalds for a month. You will see uric acid in the blood and messed up liver enzymes. My measures of AST and ALT showed a gradual decline in my health between tests. I retested several weeks ago after my face turned yellow. On supersize me, the wife said to her husband to go to the ER if he turns yellow. I had the same problems as someone b inging on mcdonalds and I though I was curing myself of yeast.

My diet to kick candida and clean the liver meant 0 protein consumption. Potatoes, veggies, and then fruits a little later. I will not have to worry about gout and not as much cancer as before. Don't deprive yourself of antioxidants and overall health because of some crackpot theory that makes people feel guilty for eating healthy foods. I get posts on here telling me to not give advice, but it allowed me to gain 13 pounds, properly work, and begin to get a life again. The faulty candida protocol wasted almost 2 years of my life and the cure was my poison.

Follow the Andreas Moritz plan for liver and digestive health when you decide youve had enough of carb cutting and feeling miserable. At least now, with weird food avoidances at family things (meat), I can converse properly and feel good...and am no longer frail and angry. There's a reason why society dismisses the idea that theres a disease where fruit is dangerous for a long term plan. My yellow face took a week to get rid of after going from the alkaline diet to all out no protein. When Will I add beans, meat, and almonds? When I have 0 reaction to fruit for several weeks . I had 3 watermelons this week.

I say this after about a month ago, this user posted clear liver disfunction symptoms and all the jack@$$ users on here posted a bunch of stupid herbal remedies and other nonsense on how to gradually bring candida numbers down...whatever remedy that keeps them at a constant manageable state of suffering. She's still sick and curezone users helped her stay that way. The long list of candida symptoms like brain fog and fatigue are also signs of liver disease that MUST be addressed...not something to mess around with and treat with coconut oil and garlic.

Theres been naysayers for mine and other users recovering from ignoring the carb cutting religion and eating a true cleansing diet...It gets me in the gym and gets my life back. I'm not going to tone it down to not offend people that don't want to face reality. My ideas are backed by ayurveda, i was told to go vegetarian to kick the problem from a naturopath that I met through work in Malaysia and an indian store owner in Miami. I don't think there's a lot of user participation from mainly vegetarian countries on this forum...It's mainly a lot of westerners that didn't have a good nutrition plan.

My cure required no money on supplements. I just watched the youtube videos by fruitarians that cured candida and Andreas Moritz clips where he gives advice.



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