"What I disagree with are the passing quarter to baseball size "stones" or amounts of stones that would occupy the entire chest and abdominal cavity claims."
When you research the actual original case report of this flushers results, you will find it clearly stated that it is a WAD of stones adding up to the volume of a softball and not a singular softball sized stone:
"When I awoke the morning after doing the first liver flush I felt absolutely great. but at first I could not imagine how the flush could have caused that great super feeling to occur. Later it was realized those stones WERE already out of my liver and gallbladder. But it was not realized then because no stones had yet been seen to leave the body.
Later the massive WAD of stones seen in the toilet when mine came out (on the second trip to the throne) was the size of a regulation SOFTBALL. After that I quickly began feeling MUCH MUCH better and my vision actually improved a lot!
That is stoneS, plural, and this has happened to many flushers including myself where it was clearly evident that the wadded up stones were comprised of many smaller stones.
"or amounts of stones that would occupy the entire chest and abdominal cavity claims."
No one ever claimed to release a volume of stones this large. This was from your faulty mathematics and inability to compute dimensional volume:
"Now we have according to your ridiculous claims 49 inches of flat "stones" apparently. Since we know that they are not flat we will have to calculate based on assumed sizes. Now normally a real stone would have nearly the same length as height and width. But to make you look less foolish let's assume the height and width is only half the length. This would give us a total volume of 29,412.25 cubic inches. (HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!! Try not to die laughing!!!!) So you are trying to claim that 29,412.25 cubic inches of real gallstones can fit in to a gallbladder with a capacity of only 4 cubic inches!!!!
Okay, so please permanently lay these two arguments to rest. I have satisfactorily disproven that anyone has even claimed to release a softball sized stone or a total volume equating to their chest cavity. These were from your misinterpretation.
And you still have not satisfactorily challenged my 19 arguments demonstrating the reality of the liver flush stones:
"There is an overwhelming case for the intrahepatic reality of liver flush stones as well as an enormous body of anecdotal evidence on this site's archives.
1) Calcified stones released in conjunction with soft stones:
The idea that liver flush stones are somehow a product of the flush itself very quickly falls apart when you consider the occurrence of stones with a calcified shell being released in conjunction with the regular stones. When cut in half these stones are jade green. Andreas Moris's wife instantly cured her acute back pain after releasing 100 of these such stones.
2) Flukes and other liver parasites
Oftentimes the stones are passed in conjunction with liver flukes and other parasites of intrahepatic origin, like in my case stones covered in mycelial candida.
3) Stones cease being released when flushing is complete and cure is attained
Stones cease being released after the flushing is complete, accompanied with a cessation of symptoms associated with intrahepatic stones.
4) Some flushes produce no stones; while many have reported releasing stones without flushing at all.
5) Stone size and distribution strongly correlate to biliary duct size and distribution
The size and amount of the liver stones released are strongly correlated to the diameter range and ratio of the biliary duct network. There are innumerable tiny stones often the size of a grain of sand released, with increasingly fewer quantities the larger the stone is, tapering off to about 1cm, the diameter of the common bile duct.
6) Progression of flushing and intermittent cessation of biliary flow
There is a progression to flushing, with improved digestion and cessation of ailments for a brief period followed by a return of ailments and reduction in digestion as the deeper stones progress forward down the biliary ducts and once again occlude bile flow. More stones are released after 6 weeks after a flush than after 2 weeks.
7) Multiple colors of stones released simutaneously
There are varying colors of stones released at the same time despite passing nearly clear water due to the purging effects of the epsom salt, and consuming clear oil in the flush drink. Stones stored in the liver from different time periods and composed of different materials are released at the same time. There are also different colors of stones passed from flush to flush.
8) Immediate stone release
People, such as myself, have passed stones immediately after consuming the flush mixture, long before ANY flush mixture exits the stomach
9)Preliminary stone release
People have passed stones on the eve of the flush before taking any mixture.
10) People have passed stones during the apple juice preparation phase.
11) People have passed stones from coffee enemas.
12) People have passed stones from eating several avocados.
13) People have passed stones from drinking carrot juice after prolonged water fasts.
14) Insufficient Time of passage
The time of passage through the gastrointestinal tract is insufficient for saponification and formation of stones due to the laxative effect of epsom salt. Contractions of the gallbladder are felt just minutes prior to releasing the stones.
15) Stones made of smaller stones
Some stones are clearly observed to be comprised of smaller stones that have clumped together over time, correlating to the formation of intrahepatic stones where smaller stones from the smaller biliary ducts clump together with other smaller stones as the ducts merge together into a larger duct.
16) Some tubular formations are released with hollow centers resembling the tubular shape of biliary ducts.
17) There are direct physical sensations of stones leaving the liver and gallbladder and traveling down the intestines.
18) Upon releasing stones, there is permanently more room to breathe, and more room for the stomach to expand and comfortably hold more food.
19) Complete cure accompanies cessation of stone release
Completely flushing the liver until no more stones are released is directly and strongly correlated to the cessation of longstanding symptoms associated with intrahepatic stones.
Considering all the above, it should be overwhelmingly evident to any reasonably thinking individual that the origin of the liver flush stones is indeed intrahepatic.
Now consider some of the counter arguments from the proponents of the fecal soap cult: "Fecal dye" accounting for the various colors of the stones (what about passing only clear water prior to passing stones?) ,"Undigested cellulose" accounting for tubular waxy formations with a hollow center (once again, what about the fast beforehand and the absence of intestinal debris?), "calcium oxalates from the carrot juice" accounting for calcified stones (this one has got to be the most ridiculous. Does anyone really believe that calcium from carrot juice can coat a liver stone with a hard white shell in the 20 seconds it takes to exit the intestines?).
The origin of the liver flush stones is indeed intrahepatic.
If you would like to create another user account to carry this discussion over to the Liver Flush Debate forum, I would be more than happy to address your counter arguements there.