Thanks again for your answer. Those really make me feel like I can beat this. Now all I need is a little certainty, but I guess I'm not going to get that :-)
I don't think that I'll do the Protopic treatment, because 99% of what I've read so far, it has not helped at all, sometimes even the opposite.. and the only case I read about in which Protopic had a positive effect, it all came back when the use of Protopic was discontinued.. so I'm pretty sure I'm not going to it.
I don't think you told or I asked, how long have you had EC in total? Maybe the Candida diet did have some effect in the long run.. who knows :) Did you get a positive Candida test? What else did you try before just leaving the lips alone? Any other diets? Any tests, e.g. for food intolerances and stuff like that?