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Re: New sufferer

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: New sufferer

I do wash my lips in the morning and evening, but very gently. I use wet a clean wash cloth with warm to hot water and gentley pat my lips until they are moist all over and then I let them air dry. I do the same for when I get toothpaste and food on them. Are you using an all natural toothpaste? If not, you should consider picking some up.

The first difference I notice was a decrease in inflammation and swelling, which was almost immediately after I stopped altogether applying topicals (approx. 1 to 2 weeks in). I then noticed less discomfort with my speaking about a month into leaving them alone. The peeling cycle started to slow down noticably about two months in and it has been very gradual progress ever since. It takes time and patience, but it is so worth it! I'm glad you're talking with a therapist - trying not to focus on the condition really helped me cope with the stress. In that regard, try not to spend a ton of time searching the internet for cures and information. This only fuels the stress.

If you haven't already, you may want to check out this website:

I think you'll find the person who hosts it suffered froma similar case of EC and has now been EC-free for several years. Note it took him close to two of leaving his lips alone to completely heal. However, he experienced gradual improvement all along the way. This is better than spending years trying every chemical and ointment on the market only to be doing more harm than good.

I am curious, how old are you? I'm now 39, but was 38 when I developed the condition. It seems most get this in their 20's.

Please let me know if you have any other questions and keep me updated.


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