Hver, Again, thank you for your input. Some forum owners do not have delete ability and that is why trolls run rampant on their forums. The WM can't delete posts that have been responded to. I am glad you saved your posts. Imo, Dushan responds and promptly addresses legitimate issues. The more legitimate information Dushan has the better he can address it.
I am certain Dushan does not want WM, forum owners and repeat trolls on cz . Advertisers leave when legitimate customers leave. When sales decline advertising revenue declines. No cloud owner wants incompetents blowing off revenue and sales. I still recommend collecting 10 troll posts and forwarding them to Dushan if they impact your visit to cz. Dushan, like any other cloud owner wants to be informed of legitimate error that affects cz. Trapper pumps numbers with cut and paste and repeat 1 word troll posts, Dushan and advertisers know the difference between legitimate and illigitimate traffic..
You sound very healed and healthy Hver. Good to see you posting.