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Re: Chris: Intramax vs. Liquivive questions.
happyhealthy Views: 2,879
Published: 13 y
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Re: Chris: Intramax vs. Liquivive questions.

I have been using LiquiVive for about two years now, and I buy it by the case to save money, and to give it to other family members. Not only is it the best supplement I have ever found, but it's the most cost effective. There aren't too many supplements where you "feel" a difference when you take them, but this is one of them. I really do like it a lot.

Regarding the comments by the Intramax distributor (credit for at least disclosing they are a distributor), I really don't think you "get what you pay for" when it comes to MLM and network marketing schemes. The product is $80 not necessarily due to quality, but becasue they have to pay out a fortune in MLM commission to several levels of distributors. Gues who pays for those commissions? They have to build it into the product cost. 80 bucks a bottle is just too much.

And LiquiVive IS cold filtered, where most supplements are not (Intramax is too).

The LiquiVive manufacturer obviously doesn't make profit margins as big as Intramax, but they do make a very good product. I sincerely recommend it to anyone. It is by far the best bang for your buck as far as supplements go.


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