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Re: When to fast again?
phillyfly Views: 3,232
Published: 15 y
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Re: When to fast again?

Is this really true? I have heard much from both sides now and I seriously don't know what to believe anymore. Don't we need a varied diet? Don't we need supplements? I have heard that even within the past year that the nutritional quality of fruits and veggies has gone down the tubes quite a bit (I can't remember what percent they said). Do you have any links to share that prove that our bodies don't need a varied amt of nutrients? I have heard that "fruits cleanse, and vegetables heal." If this is true, don't we need vegetables? What about protein for healing? I do realize that there is some in fruit, and even calcium too. Enough? I've heard that one cannot live on raw foods alone as well. Is this true? This one says this, and this one says that. So confusing.. :/


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