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Re: phillyfly.. Re: When to fast again?
chrisb1 Views: 3,563
Published: 15 y
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Re: phillyfly.. Re: When to fast again?

myelin-sheath damage can be repaired nutritionally via the following..........

#1. Supplemental Vitamin D3: researchers have demonstrated that on average, people with myelin sheath degeneration are severely vitamin D deficient.
Myelin sheath damage is more common in northern latitudes, or away from the equator where people get less sun exposure.

Dr. William E. Code believes that Vitamin D supplementation is one of the key pieces in this recovery.
A Dr. Perlmutter states that Vitamin D3 has been shown to completely prevent the development of a multiple sclerosis-like disease in mice.
The therapeutic dose would depend on your friends blood status of D3 with a 25 OHD test, but you are looking at at least 10,000ius per day if not more.

#2. Vitamin B12 is involved in the formation of the myelin sheath, and profound deficiencies of vitamin B12 have been found in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with demyelination.
Vitamin B12 has a very important role in the formation and function of myelin. According to Dr. Perlmutter, vitamin B12 deficiency not only enhances the destruction of myelin during an exacerbation of symptoms, but it also compromises the ability of the body to repair the damaged myelin after the attack.

There can be a functional deficiency of vitamin B12 even though your blood tests show normal levels. A more accurate way to measure B12 levels is to test for the chemical homocysteine. If homocysteine is elevated, then B12 is considered to be functionally deficient, even if the blood levels show otherwise.
Supplemental B12 is difficult to absorb, so injections are probably the best option.

#3. Alpha Lipoic Acid.

#4. Lecithin: According to James Balch, M.D., lecithin may help to strengthen the myelin sheath. Lecithin is one of the important building blocks for neuronal membranes, the area of the brain cells where cell to cell communication takes place.
Lecithin has been part of complementary treatment programs for myelin sheath support for decades.

#5. DHA supplements

Shelton drove himself into the ground with work: burning the midnight-oil for example in the writing of his many books, while still working full-time at his health-school and so on.



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