phillyfly.. Re: When to fast again?
the basic Natural Hygiene diet was fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and pulses.
Shelton for example was a lacto-vegetarian by consuming buttermilk and some other foods classified as dairy.
Shelton died of "Parkinsons disease" which his friend Dr Joel Fuhrman MD attributed to a DHA deficiency or essential-fatty-acid deficiency, but he neglected the main contributing cause of his untimely death as being from overwork.
He did not practice what he preached in his zeal for his "cause" and received little if any rest for the last few decades of his life: his Myelin-sheath surrounding his nerves had eroded to the point of being irreparable.
I agree though: the question of diet is all very confusing.
Hygienists of today also differ with each other as to what constitutes the ideal diet: some say you should even eat meat.
Dr Stanley Bass is scathing about fruitarianism as another example.
One thing they did all agree upon was that the diet should be wholesome, organic and unprocessed.
This basically means that the diet should be plant-based, with an assortment of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and pulses.
Flax-seeds are considered to be a good source of EPA but converts only minimally to DHA in the body, so I complement my own diet with wild-caught-salmon (a good source of DHA) and tuna, with occasional chicken. DHA is absolutely essential for the health of the Brain and nervous system.
In my own experience I have found that the quality of foods has deteriorated within the last couple of decades because of soil-depletion, and so supp-le-ment my diet with an overall plant-derived vitamin/mineral liquid..........
I used to take INTRAMAX up until recently, but found it to be too expensive for the long-term.
The question of PROTEIN............
You will find ALL of the protein needs of the body via plant-foods, whether vegetables, fruits and/or nuts.
Let me explain...........
Human protein is made from the amino-acids within your foods: the plant kingdom contains ALL of them, and especially the eight essential amino-acids required for health, and that cannot be manufactured by the body.
Meat-eaters will try and convince you that you need meat for your protein needs, but if you do eat meat, the body has to break down the animal protein into its constituent amino-acids FIRST before they become available to the body to be formed into human protein.
This requires huge amounts of bodily-energy to achieve, and is an extremely inefficient way of satisfying your protein needs.
I have posted on this before, but consider this: a silverback gorilla is 99% vegetarian, but could toss a 200 pound man across the street with ease.
Another: how do cattle we eat who graze from grass receive their protein needs?
Neither of these animals eat meat.
So much for meat then.
Hygienists believe-in and have practiced, an 80% raw and 20% cooked diet for decades.
Ever tried eating a raw potato?
Steam-cooking preserves more nutrients than any other method, and which also breaks down the cellulose that makes veggies hard, and softens them to be more palatable.