Re: Where to buy nystatin and other antifungals online?
Thanks so much, indigoaura! So informative. Unfortunately, I had to learn the concepts in your message the hard way. :(
Yeast became much worse due to the mercury and DMSA. If I knew about this, I would have taken neutrophil-supporting supplements before starting chelation. Or at least I could have been on the lookout for candida symptoms and stopped before the third round.
Drinking water has also been providing some relief. It seems the urine can get yellow more quickly with this flare-up. Once it does, the symptoms also worsen at the same time. I keep a glass of water next to the bed. Thanks for the heads up on
Sea Salt . :)
I actually cross-posted this to the adult-metal-chelation Yahoo group. On there, someone suggested I give the natural antifungals a try first. They arrived today, so I'll start them and report back within a week. Perhaps I jumped the gun with my original post, but as you well know, candida can make us desperate. It really is an insidious parasite.
Will keep the nystatin reference handy. Thank you again!