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Re: oily skin
matrix101 Views: 3,249
Published: 20 y
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Re: oily skin


Sure, I notice that dairy and starches will create an oily skin. Eating that way does break the rules for proper food combining. But, I think Fletcher was onto something fascinating. I altered his method a bit and I am intrigued by the results so far.

I don't know of anybody that can chew one mouthful for ten minutes but adding more saliva to the meal was an antidote for reducing oil on my face. The key is to keep swallowing consciously up to ten minutes after the meal. Reducing that oily feeling was definite and real and never happened to me before; without the aid of herbs.

I feel great even eight hours later. It's a good feeling to be able to have more freedom like everyone else does. I think it's a little more satisfying to live in both worlds and get back to eating healthy when you're ready.



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