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Re: Gulping vs. Fletcherism
  Views: 3,055
Published: 20 y
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Re: Gulping vs. Fletcherism

your comments are interesting. Before I starting eating lots of fruit/veggies I found that I liked to eat things (juunk food/carbs etc) in big bites very quickly, seemed to taste better that way. Now that I have been eating good for over three years I find that when I do eat bad (sweets chocolate etc) I like to take small bites and savor it. However lets say I get off track for a few days and start eating more bad things then I stop eating slowly and start eating more quickly with bigger bites. Also noticed that there is the a tiny bit of anxiety associated with fast eating. When my husband eats junk food he takes big fast bites which is annoying to watch because it's sorta gross to see someone enjoying something so bad for them (like watching someone enjoying sinning-he knows its bad for him and knows he will pay for it by feeling poorly later).
Also noticed that when I eat fast I feel like I am wanting to fill something up-like I am trying to get to that satiated feeling quickly. HMMMM.....


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