Thanks MH for the tip,
So, this will take care of our pH:
Fletcherism: the practice of eating in small amounts and only when hungry and of chewing one's food thoroughly.
Fletcher, Horace (1849-1919), American dietitian. Fletcher was plagued by obesity and indigestion most of his life. Then in 1895 he set out to find the key to good health. After several failures he finally decided that the solution lay in chewing one's food thoroughly. He developed a set of principles which he then proceeded to propagate. The basic tenets were these: one should eat only when genuinely hungry and never when anxious, depressed, or otherwise preoccupied; one may eat any food that appeals to the appetite; one should chew each mouthful of food 32 times or, ideally, until the food liquefies; one should enjoy one's food.
Here for those who would like to go deeper, a full pdf file (179 pages) about Fletcher:
First: Wait for a true, earned appetite.
Second: Select from the food available that
which appeals most to appetite, and in the order
called for by appetite.
Third: Get all the good taste there is in food
out of it in the mouth, and swallow only when it
practically "swallows itself."
Fourth: Enjoy the good taste for all it is
worth, and do not allow any depressing or
diverting thought to intrude upon the ceremony.
Fifth: Wait; take and enjoy as much as
possible what appetite approves ; Nature will do
the rest.