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fledgling Views: 5,133
Published: 14 y
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...Nuts, nuts, nuts!

Of all people, YOU did not need this in your life!

You have already picked yourself up, dusted yourself off, and begun all over again.

Rats! What a bummer.

How dare the fates deliver such a blow?!

But, what the heck? YOU are exactly the same. You're the same sweetheart who has tried for years to support and help those who are getting themselves into far better circumstances than ever before.

You've written a book, you know. Read what you said; remember how you felt when you said those things...what were your intentions?

Those are not changed. You are still exactly the same person.

The only thing that is different is that your path has changed.

My friend, go to the National Geographic Channel and see the program, "The Dog Whisperer". Watch it until you fall asleep, then see it some more the next day...until you absorb the gist.

Cesar Milan is a genius at recognizing gestures and conversations between people and dogs...and seeking ways to solve problems.

Most of all, he recognizes that animals live in the 'now'.

If there is nothing bad happening right now, animals are able to get on with their own dog lives. And humans can see and understand that. We can change and adapt. We can also learn to live in the 'now'.

Surely, in the last twenty-five days, since you first posted this experience, you have made some choices and decisions. I can't guess what those might be.

I just hope you are far more comfortable now.

I hope you are where you don't have to live the stress and are in a quiet zone, with loving friends.

You have always been on others' side and used your good sense to bolster them.

Trust Soulful...she's quite a girl.





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