Liver flushes efficacious.
"The process of stone formation in the gallbladder is a totally different mechanism that in the arteries as I already explained."
I don't even understand that sentence.
"And regardless how the stones are formed in the gallbladder is irrelevant to whether or not those big squishy blobs, which by the way means they are not calcified to begin with, are REAL gallstones. So where is your proof that those big squishy blobs are real gallstones. "
See there you go framing the debate again...the point of contention is that you state
Liver Flushes have no affect, that they are a "fraud" not that they are or are not
Gallstones that form regardless and irrelevantly, that is merely a semantical argument that you continue to foster, the tiresome "real gallstones" argument which regardless is irrelevant as to whether or not the
Liver Flushes affect health and wellness in a positive manner.
Liver Flushes work. I know because I was in poor health and then following a liver flush, my health was much improved and my digestion was also improved.