Re: I'm 80% sure that I don't smell anymore
Look up apple cider vinegar on google. start taking it daily.
start a breakfast of mass fruits and carrots (this is the m0ost important time for the body to heal!!!,the rest of the day you can eat meats and bread and pasta. Dont eat choc till ur 100% no sweating or white tongue.(eat eggs,u need the choline in them, nutrient deficiencies are what cause constipation(not lack of fibre), and thus fecal bo.When i started eating fried eggs daily,(u can fry on margerine u know) constipation cured. You need a bit of everything.Especially including the enzymes in ACV.Youl prolly have to keep taking that indefinatley, but relax it has good points, ull never go bald-and if u do your hair will grow back. and ull always loook 20 yrs younger then everyone.U can tell its working when u see how clear your eyes are, with no bloodshot veins.
Youll notice white tongue getting better and better.Also chronic sweating will start to cease.|Thats what happend to me. No fecal Bo or breath . 1 week is all it takes. remebr max up on pure fruit in morning, with carrrots too.and never combine melons,cantaloupes with any other fruit.and yes iv been on the idiotic 10 year candida buster diets which are a pathetic misinformed bunch of lies.
What happened is after years of abuse of processed foods. You pancreas can no longer make sufficient enzymes in your stomch so everything you eat ferments and putrefacts. the reasons ppl stay on leaky gut or candida diets for 20 years is because there is no such thing, its all internet bull blow out of proportion. for startes theres never been a single so called leaky gut proven in autopsies ever, hmmm makes you think. and "OMG ive got a white tongue, ive got candida"
Youv got stomach issies topped by your pancres and liver dying on you.
The apple cider vinegar will cure all, it really is that powerfull. its the wolrds most powerful *prebiotic*.
meaning u cannot take any otether supplement including probioitics anymore. It will magnify the powers of the fruit in the morning by 20 billion %. because currently your bodys not absorbing any raw food you eat. Now get some ACV and report back in a week. you will be pleasently suprised.
By the way once your back to 100% no sweating and no white tongue, u can kiss ppl again wwoooo.