Trust me, I thought I had hyperthyroidism a long time ago and I talked to a doctor about it. He knew that I didn't have hyperthyroidism by just looking at me, you want to know why? Because people with hyperthyroidism are always anxious,nervous, and very jittery. They can't seem to stand still and some people with hyperthyroidism eyes will bulge out because of this disease. If you do have any of these symptoms I strongly suggest that you see a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that if you had hyperthyroidism you would know by these simple symptoms. Just take a look at this video about hyperthyroidism if you don't believe me
If the video comes out right you will see that everything I was saying was true. I think the real culprit behind this odor is leaky gut syndrome, not candida. I didn't want to believe it at first, but the more I read about it the more it seems like the main reason behind our odor. Leaky gut causes candida (not the other way around), chronic fatigue syndrome, malabsorption, food allergies , and a whole slew of other things. If you don't believe me read this article