Hi Eric, thanks. I wonder about the heavy metal connection...I had one silver filling that I had removed at my regular dentist office last year. Maybe I need to look into chelating? I have to say, last year I was on a green smoothie kick and used lots of cilantro in the smoothies and I think I felt and looked the best I have in years. The only fruit I used was organic frozen berries and I always added a fresh lemon to cut the green taste. I quit making the smoothies so often and now we just have them once in a while. I think I will make them more regularly and see if that helps.
I know the candida diet is really strict but I haven't followed it as closely as I should because I'm 5'11" and weigh 135 lbs. so I'm trying to balance eating right and not losing weight since I feel even more unhealthy at a lower weight.
Well, I'm going to try the green smoothies again and get some supplements and maybe some Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and see what happens. Thanks.