Re: Feeling hopeless, desperate for advice.
Marie is absolutely bang-on target, oneluv.
No doubt about it.
Every symptom you've described (yes, EVERY symptom) can stem from mercury intoxication. It's unusual for me to be this forward in suggesting heavy-metal-intoxication but in your case I'm absolutely positively CERTAIN of it.
Some more info in the following thread:
Please note that it's a long thread but if you have the patience to read through it, you'll find the information you'll need to get tested and address heavy metal intoxication.
After reading that entire thread, if you have any additional questions, please post them here and I'll do my utmost to assist you. I'm mercury-intoxicated myself, which is why I recognise your spectrum of symptoms so confidently. As a fellow sufferer, it would be my pleasure to assist you in any way I can - I know how bewildering the seemingly-unconnected spectrum of symptoms of mercury-intoxication can be so I thoroughly empathise with your situation, believe me! :-)