Help! Keep going/back off? Your thoughts are needed!
For 37 days:
Drinking Green Smoothies: Kale/Spinach/etc with assorted fruits to cut the green taste and make it palatable.
Taking Liquid Vitamins & Minerals and some other supplements including Iodine(13 to 20 drops
SSKI )/Selenium/Adrenal Formulas/Probiotic/Fish Oil/Vit D/& Brain Supplements too... and a few protein smoothies to insure that I'm getting adequate protein.
Doing this to give my body a rest from digestion and to detox.
Have ate regular meals a few times too but not many ie our 4th celebration etc.
Just added Coffee Enema's gosh 10 days or so ago.
I have been off Antidepressants for 7 yrs but with chronic insomnia and brain fog...along with something I could not describe/understand really. It was as if there was something pulling at my CNS...especially near by brain I feel like there is a band around my head...think 80's head band but tight.
My internal knowing told me it was toxins pulling at my CNS.
In addition I would feel toxins sort of build up as I took Iodine. Sort of a pin pricks around my buttocks area that I knew was toxins that were on there way out because if I would drink water continuously these sensation would dissipate. So anyway...Coffee Enema's to the rescue.
The Coffee Enema's do help so much ... with getting rid of the toxins...and I know I'm dumping bile. Whoa the smell...can anyone say skunk! lol!
So far with everything I've done to regain my health over the last 7 years I can honestly say that if I could cut my head off I would be in great shape lol. I mean I don't have pain/stiffness etc discomfort there unless detox related...I feel lighter on my feet/younger. But the brain is another matter and one that is basically well very scary sometimes.
Even with the coffee enema's I'm still staying in a fog but I do think I'm coming out of the fog for a bit longer than before (I would always have moments of being "there" so to speak) And the brain fog for those who haven't experienced it (at least to this degree) is as if I'm behind a "veil" or not connected to my body. I can even look down at my hands and when I'm in a fog it's as if they belong to someone else. When I'm out of the fog it is as if I've entered into this would. Hope that makes sense.
So I'm pretty set on continuing the Coffee Enema's to see what happens there and I've pretty much decided to keep this green drink/raw food thing going most if not all of the summer as a test...but your thoughts and suggestions are welcomed because quite frankly I want out of this fog and to regain my natural sleep cycle as soon as possible.
Oh and as for sleep...I do have a whole bunch of natural sleep aids...which help a bit but have to constantly be rotated and often don't help until the wee hours of the morning.
Thanks in advance for your help!