The Sugar in the maple syrup is bounded with alkaline. If cancer cells or germs take in the sugar, the hidden alkaline will weaken or destroy it.
Trader Joe’s organic grade B maple syrup 3 parts. Bob’s Red Mill baking soda 1 part (this is ALUMINUM FREE unlike Arm & Hammer).
Heat the maple syrup to a warm temperature to dissolve the baking soda (this need not be at a boil). Once warmed, stir in the baking soda for 5 minutes. Example: 90 tsp syrup, 30 tsp baking soda. Store this at room temperature. Make enough for 10 days, beyond which mold may grow.
The syrup/bicarbonate complex is brought into cancer cells or candida where it alters pH to uan unfavorable alkaline level.
For cancer patients use 5-7 teaspoons per day divided.
For candida or pH control use 3 teaspoons per day.