I have to agree with you powertool. To some degree you do find a religious fanaticism with Cutler. As long as Eric understands the risks he's taking with Cilantro and Chlorella then all the more power to him. What's your opinions powertool on oral DMPS or slow drip DMPS?. I myself have candida overgrowth in my gut. Some people say it's more beneficial to use than DMSA, especially for individuals who find DMSA causes candida yeast to flare up during chelating. What options are you considering for yourself powertool?. I know that your having your Amalgams removed now. Will you consider the DMPS oral or drip method on chelating when the time comes. I've been on the fence thinking about Cutler. His protocol may work for some individuals who have early stage onset of candida, but those of us who have bigger problems with yeast overgrowth DMPS may be the answer.