Re: need some help/advice
here is my two cents:
1. How much Mag are you taking? 800mg/day and more is not unreasonable if you have been defficient and it may take awhile to replete yourself.
200mg magnesium/900mg malate x 2 daily, will try more see if improvements occur
I just recently killed a pathogen in my gut and now I take a lot more magnesium then I used to. I realized I could take more than the measly 50mg/day because I started getting constipated. Which hasn't happened in a long time.
I feel like I killed some pathogens and balanced flora post kill. I understand that it's important to balance rather than have a "kill" the pathogen mindstate to achieve co-existence with beneficial gut bacteria.
I feel like Iodine requires more magnesium. I think I was so depleted that I could feel myself tighten up when I took my Iodine dose. I am a bodyworker so I know it when my hands are cramping. Now that I am able to take more mag I don't feel it as much.
I move around a lot and don't feel like food moves through me as it used to, but digestion definitely feels much, much better.
The other thing to consider is when you do your salt push try 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp KCL Potassium Chloride.....Now brand is nice and cheap. Too much salt alone was making me cramp too...
I just got some natural salt w/ macro-minerals, unwashed and unprocessed. Will see how that works and consider the KCl. What do you think of Grey Sea Salt from - the island of re - France, if you've ever heard of it?
2. Ever done any Liver Flushes ? I kinda got forced into last fall. I started getting a lot of pressure in my gallbladder area. I really think, but of course can't prove, that the iodine started mobilizing stuff in my liver and it couldn't get out. I normally have really dry hands in the winter. I have to wear gloves to wash dishes. This fall before it even got very cold my hands got the driest ever.
Honestly, not a liver flush fan, but I wash my hands more often than most due to hospital setting work.
After a few liver flushes .....not as dry....a couple more...really dry...a couple more...not as dry... couple more and they seem to be staying not as dry
I've increased unprocessed omega-3's in the diet by 1 gram, unexposed to new air/oxygen.
and of course mix the coffee enemas in there with the flushes.
I'll wait on the enemas if other things don't work. I've read up on them.
since you mentioned you have fillings?
No metal fillings, but I broke a molar on a Jawbreaker of all things earlier in life and it was capped by a dentist with a metalic/steel cap. I call it a sardine can, just haven't had the chance to get it removed. I suspect that it's probably rotten underneath and leaching into tissue at the molar site. Now that I mention it, it's probably infected and causing difficult to detect problems.
It's the second molar on the left, #18. I've seen a lot of charts that state different areas it affect, but if it is an infection - it probably affects all areas of the body. I need to get it fixed.
If they are gone have you done any chelation?
Now that you bring it up, I've only started on MSM, IP6, Selenium, and a few others that chelate or at least disrupt.
those are curiosity questions.....
I have noticed where all of a sudden I can't hold my water, doesn't matter how much I drink. then I chelate for a few days with dmsa and it often gets better again. I am very curious if the Iodine stirs up the metals and if they land in your adrenals and mess up the water balancing hormones....aldosterone I think......
My experience makes me think I in the ballpark on this one...
I'll have to get a hold of some DMSA after reading up on it. Any suggested reading material? Protocols? When and how to take it?
anyway, my two cents.