need some help/advice
I've started to do 4+ drops min. of
SSKI , more Mag and Se, and a quality low dose multivitamin spread out throughout the day.
But, questions are:
There's some strange tingling sensations going on, especially in extremities like hands/fingers, today, lips. What's going on?
I originally took
SSKI to aid in combating a moment when I had diarrhea for a month, nothing was working except the Pau D' Arco gently boiled for 30 minutes and addition of
SSKI . Now, the diarrhea is a consistent partial constipation - meaning the stool is very well formed, but not evacuated daily. Is this normal?
I stay very warm nowadays, getting out of the shower into a cold room is not a big deal, EVER! It used to be though.
At work, I'm one of the HOT ones, have to drink water - well, I'm not lazy and like to move around. Lazy time is when I'm off and tired.
Basically, two main question: Why the tingling and hard stool?
If anything, please recommend foods or protocols as an aid.
I'm planning on adding some IP6 into the mix, maybe metals are moving around to the extremities?