Re: need some help/advice
Dunno for sure but people with diabetis had a terrible time with that as the
Iodine woke up those dead nerve endings.
See Benfotiamine and how it benefits those with this issue:
As for Pau D' Arco being effective you can count on one of the nasty biofilm Candida strains. Candida turns B1 into...forgot...some acid. Links are in my 'puter still awaiting Surgery...
Anyhow that type of candida leaves behind toxic nucleic acids that really work on the liver...
MSM helps in case of biofilm candida by disallowing things to stick to your intestines. Worth a try...Giardia is a huge issue, and although not a cure MSM diminishes their ability to hang out in the digestive track.
Giardia - protozoa parasite
diarrhea, malaise, excessive gas, pale, foul smelling, greasy stools, epigastric pain, bloating, nausea, cause of Vitamin B12 deficiency