Re: Dull pain Ultrasound discovered 8cm Gallstone + others Conventional Doctors want to remove Gallbladder. I don't!
No, I've never taken
Epsom Salt internally- soaked it it alot for joint pain in the past.
I will try this to work on the gallstone issue.
It is not a gallstone cure but to work on the pain, right?
Have you ever taken Ursodiol? It is supposed to dissolve
Gallstones in 1 to 2 years-- I did not want to take a drug that long. But Flushes, Gold Coin and other things I tried like burdock root juice seemed (based on my tests) to have helped reduce the size and number of my stones.
I wonder if it would hurt me to take
Epsom Salt if what is causing my pain is an ulcer and not the gallstones?
If it is a Muscular strain (my third diagnosis) don't think taking
Epsom Salt would hurt that.
Thank you for mentioning this! I will also ask the Naturopathic Doctor I am seeing tomorrow and see what she thinks.
Again, Thank you Epsom Salt had been mentioned here before but I never took it- Guess I'm not looking forward to the taste- but It must beat being in pain!