Help identify this parasite ????
Had these about 2 years now, first thought they were Scabies, but doesn't respond to medicine for that.
What I have is small microscopic things that come out of my skin pores, granular, like a piece of sand, some are white, some are black, some are pulpy, some are hard, jagged, sharp.
Having used my cheap microscope, I have been able to find eggs, and brush off round black cells from my body into the toilet water. I have been able to take these cells, and look at them under the microscope. While watching them, after a few minutes they will start to get a dimple in the middle of the cell, and that dimple will continue to rise, and turn itself into one of those granular objects.
I have been able to put those granular objects under the microscope, and find what looked like a hole in the back of the object, with these small black round cells around it. I am assuming that this might be the thing's Uterus, and those are eggs being shoved out.( I figure this is the female) I was able to make out a possible mouth on one end, but the lighting was not good to confirm it. I was able to see small tubes sticking outside the item around it. I originally thought that was possible legs, but after leaving this a week, and coming back to look at it again, I found those tubes had grown really long sprouting out from it's body. I now think these are feeder tubes.
At night, I have to wear a shower cap to keep them from getting all over my face and pillow. I can hear them either jump off my head and hit the shower cap, or feel them let themselves go loose and fall out of my head pores and hit the shower cap.
I was able to get smaller specimens, (the ones that jumped) and see that they have a small paddle like tail behind them. They are NOT Spring Tails (I am thinking that these are the males).
If left to mature, they seem to want to dig down into the skin (pore) and make a red pimple with a hard white top. As the female lays it's eggs, the pimple gets higher. A small hole is open at the top to allow the newborns to come out.
They seem to like body heat and sweat. I am assuming that the eggs/round cells, have some means of crawling or propelling themselves, but my microscope is not good enough to see if that is the case.
Ivermectin is the only thing that will kill them when they dig in deep, but takes a few days. It feels like you are being cut by small razor blades when they dig.
I have to wash them off twice a day, takes about 3 hours each shower, only thing that helps get them cleaned out is Biore deep pour cleaning gel. SO far I have been able to keep the mature ones off of me, but I do not seem to be able to find anything that will kill these things.
I have to use Avon "Skin so Soft" in my ears at night, they seem to hate it, and it keeps them out of there.
Been through my MD, 2 Dermatologists, and a Specialist. They get to a point that they don't know what to do, or try to tell me that it is all in my mind. I let my wife wash off my back for a while (quit that in concern that she would get them), they nipped and bit at her as she would scrub them off. Got a lot of granules out of my back each night.
So far they don't seem to bother my wife or son. Hope I can keep it that way.
If I can find a better microscope or get a camera that would fit mine, I will post some pictures.
Does anybody have any thoughts on these. I know they are creatures of some sort, as they move, and will grow after being taken off my body. I have seen them jump and swim in the toilet water. This doesn't seem to be like Morgellon's, as I don't have any lesions or fibers.
They have turned my normal life into worthlessness, as most of my day is spent in the shower.
Thank you,