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Hey buddy so I went through the same WTF moment when I found I had the same thing. And on the Internet to try to figure it out and found with morgellons disease and nearly shat myself. I don't know if it's a disease that even the CDC doesn't know what to do with it. But then I really did the research and typed in all the different symptoms and I was having different issuesthat didn't seem all fit together. I came to the conclusion that it was a fungal infection and the truth is it may not just be one type of fungal multiple different types. no you're more than likely dealing with a fungal infection that is the toxic mold or toxic fungus. You have to look up toxic mold in touch fungus in the causes and symptoms of it you'll find that even your secondary issues that you have heart issues that can stem from fungal infections. No I know that you said that you know finances are a little tight there are natural remedies to make it so that fungus cannot go on your body first thing you need to do is restore your body's pH fungus basically thrives in the really acidic environment. Also when funguses in your body are unbalancethey also increase the acidity of your body. So ph water is great for that. Next there a lot of different things that you can eat that are natural fungicides garlic oregano oil and apple cider vinegar baking soda probiotics and many others that you can research on the Internet. low-carb and low
Sugar diet is essential to starving out the that is the food fungus feeds on. You said oil of oregano now pulled them out of your are you some more of them with that would happen because Oil of oregano is a fungicide so it wasn't coming to say hi you're pulling it out of your eyes. Know what all that is in the stool is Candida die off and fungal die off. The worms aren't actually worms the worms are spores what's in your skin create a line from with the fungus has eaten from the bottom layers of it done with and keep pushing out all the spores. Now The funny thing is when I researched more toxicity I realize that mold release is mycotoxins that release 75 heavy metals into your bloodstream and they cause so many different types of diseases. So that's why people always say eat low-carb green vegetables lean proteins and all these different things because the antifungal that's why diets actually work again the crazy thing is fungus may be responsible for so many different health issues and we didn't even know about. Stubborn body fat well turns out that that is we are mycotoxins love to be stored that's why Apple cider vinegar is great for weight loss because it kills fungus and mycotoxins can be exited out of the body. It's crazy that nobody is ever figure this out before I did the same thing as you and I biotics seem to work took care of that bacteria infection but left me with an even worse fungal infection because my natural bacteria that fights fungus was gone and supercharged it. Let me guess you have patches on the skin that seem to be white maybe darker than normal. You crave
Sugar and carbohydrates. And he frequently have dry skin.if those are true any of this sounds like it might be right I love to hear from you because again this is only a hypothesis. I just wanted to finally figure out what the Hells going on with me and I didn't think it was some government
Conspiracy disease like morgellons. Good luck and I hope that everything works out.