Dear Sufferer,
For 2 years I watched volcanic sores on my body grow from 5 to 200! One yr. ago a scraping showed worm eggs, but biopsies showed nothing. After 50 to 75 hours of my own Research, I came up with MYASIS! I believe I have a RARE, but common in foreign lands,
parasite produced by one of 100 species of flies! A fly must have a Host. Usually the Host is an animal such as a Cow, sheep, goats, horses, or and so forth. To keep this short..Please look up Myasis and learn more about it. This may not even be what you have anyway.
Well, after opening up a few bumps on mt stomach and seeing hundreds of white eggs or larva pour out, I begged my Doctor for Ivermectin! This
parasite infection was also in my Breast and I have Silicone implants. I was afraid of losing them and I cannot afford a new set to repair them!
Well ...the medicene only killed a few "Bugs" and the
parasite continued to bite, eat holes in my arms and legs! The Doctor didnt seem to believe me anymore, so I ordered more Ivermectin Online and took double. It helped but didnt kill the entire Parasite because I take PREDNISONE for LUPUS and have a very LOW IMMUNE SYSTEM!
O.K. Well NOW It has gotton on my NOSE!! I am desperate! It is going to eat my face up! At this point I have nothing to lose I figure. Im going to kill myself if this goes further. The Doctor is trying to now cure the infection in the sores, but I now feel like I have GLASS sticking out of them! I run my fingers across the top of the sores and when I hit a snag of "GLASS" it is so strong, you could hang your purse from it! When you pull it out, it is soft!? It is the Parasite that is now dead and limp??
I am NOT a Medical Doctor and cannot advise this remedy and say that you wont have side effects. So far I am fine. Remember....I was desperate. It has been only 2 days and the spot on my finger where the Parasite was separating my skin and living in between, has already healed up!! I think I will find out on my next shower that ALL the "GLASS" is gone! I went one mile down the road and bought a $5.00 tube of Horse IVERMECTIN GEL Apple flavored for a 1200 pound horse and ate HALF of it! I ate another 1/4 the next day. The remainder ...I rubbed on my skin. It doesnt work to rub on your skin...but I didnt want to be tempted to eat anymore! The Ivermectin for horses is about the same I believe as it is for Humans, only I am a 150lb Human and I ate enough for a 900 lb horse.
Sometimes you have to be your own Researcher and Doctor to save your Life. When I could NO LONGER BEAR IT...and I was trying to decide if I should use pills or a pistol....that's when that little apple gel at the feedstore seemed alright.
I wish you the best. Get well all!